Welcome Confie's Future Partner!

Confie always open for any collaboration proposes, we are excited to do positive projects with you. If there’s anything we can do together, don’t be hesitate to contact us, okay?

Why building partnership with Confie Coworking Space?

Confie valued collaboration like no one else. We do believe growing together is core of our success. So we are welcoming anyone who to be our partners. There are many things we can do together, like creating event together, build an empowerment program together, sharing workspaces, or as simply be a speaker at one of our classes. We would be very grateful for having you join the club.

Learn about how we can collaborate

Media Partners

We always grateful for the presence of our media partners. Helping us to grow and spread our positivity among communities. If you are a media owner, part of the media, please let us know if you are wondering how to work with us.

Community Partners

Growing together is not an option, it’s a must. And by that, building partnership with community is a big part of it. Confie has working with many communities in many occasions and we’re not stoping anytime soon. Let’s make an impact together.

Growing Members

We see our members as a growing seed just like us. We have our own purpose on what we are doing. But these differences has make us bond and collaborate. Find out how our growing members has develop with confie coworking space.

Been Work With These Awesome Folks

Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Kamu Butuhkan?

Confie menyediakan berbagai layanan yang bisa kamu gunakan. Jika kamu tidak menemukan layanan yang kamu butuhkan silahkan check halaman berikut.

Confie Indonesia Coworking Space - Coworking Space di Makassar

Update Promo dan Informasi Terbaru

    Tentang Confie Coworking Space di Makassar

    Ruang Kerja Bersama di Makassar

    Sewa Ruang Meeting di Makassar

    Ruangan Kelas untuk Bimbel di Makassar

    Working Space di Makassar

    Virtual Office di Makassar

    Sewa Ruang Kantor di Makassar

    Kantor yang disewakan di Makassar

    Seminar Room di Makassar

    Event Space di Makassar

    Nomor Telpon Venue Space di Makassar

    Tempat Meeting dengan Fasilitas Lengkap

    Podcast Hub di Makassar

    Studio Podcast di Makassar

    Ruangan untuk video call di Makassar

    Cafe dengan fasilitas ruang meeting

    Logo Orange Confie Indonesia - Coworking Space di Makassar@0,5x

    Alamat Coworking Space : Jalan Penjernihan Raya No. 7, Komp. PDAM , Karampuang, Panakkukang, Makassar.

    Nomor Telpon : +6282122122773

    E-Mail : confie.indonesia@gmail.com